Fri, Oct 08
|Virtual Program
Por Los Locos que Amamos Tanto - A Reflection on Mental Health
A short monologue performance by Expresarte Theatre Group followed by a conversation with a group of experts in the topic of mental health.
Time & Location
Oct 08, 2021, 6:00 p.m. MDT
Virtual Program
About the event
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Sobre el evento
Presentado como un ejercicio de crónica performática, el monólogo narra el caos de un joven venezolano en el exterior mientras las circunstancias desafían sus creencias. También plantea el precio de la identidad y del amor propio. La historia viaja en subidas y bajadas de emociones que responden a una mente quebrantada y a un corazón lleno de esperanza. El monólogo está escrito y actuado por Jaime Cesar bajo la dirección de ExpresArte Theatre Club.
About the event
Presented as a performative chronicle exercise, the monologue narrates the chaos of a young Venezuelan abroad as circumstances challenge his beliefs. It also raises the price of identity and self-love. The story travels in ups and downs of emotions that respond to a broken mind and a heart full of hope. The monologue is written by Jaime Cesar and directed by ExpresArte Theatre Club.
About ExpresArte
ExpresARTe Theater Club is a non-profit organization, created in 2015 in the city
of Calgary, Canada. It is made up of members of Latin American roots, whom are
passionate about theater, and those who constantly seek to grow and develop skills
related to the production of plays, including acting, writing scripts, and artistic direction.
ExpresARTe's mission is to produce plays in Spanish that transform the level of conscious of the
audience and promote Latin American culture. While plays are produced, its members
enjoy growing in areas of their interest within the world of theater, under a culture of
training and commitment, in an environment of respect, collaboration, trust, recognition
and connection with other organizations.